More Cooler

November 26, 2006

Hawaii Pics

Filed under: General — martin @ 10:41 pm

Hey guys, just curious: did that guy ever send the kayaking pics?  I’d love it if we could get those uploaded somewhere, maybe just one of our webspaces in a big zip or something.  Obviously we’d need to hide the URL to prevent that much data getting downloaded more than necessary; maybe just ICQ around the URL?  And if anyone has any of their own digital pics that they don’t mind throwing in the pile, I’d love to see how some of them turned out.  Especially the Luau, which may well be as close to drunk as y’all will ever see me.  ^_^

4 Responses to “Hawaii Pics”

  1. bryce Says:

    I uploaded the best of what I have to Flickr. Here are the sets:

    Chris, did you ever get your photos stitched together and all that?

  2. bryce Says:

    Speaking of our photos, I got a message from someone asking if they could use this photo on their concierge service site: No money involved, but she said she may be able to hook us up with a deal next time we’re out there. I have no problem with it, but let me know if any of you do!

  3. Matt Says:

    What the hell was I doing here:

    ?? :)

    Anyway, that concierge thing is cool, would be nifty to see how they use it (website, print, what?). If they are printing something off, least they can do is send us a sample :)

    And I swear the kayak guy got Jua in mid-flight when Chris launched her off the kayak.. but I can’t find the shot!

  4. bryce Says:

    I think that was you rolling your eyes at a request for ANOTHER thumbs up photo.

    Jua flipping took me a while to find too. Here they are:

    The ones right before those of me hanging on the back of your kayak came out pretty well too.

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