More Cooler

September 18, 2006

Hawaii $$$

Filed under: General — martin @ 12:35 pm

Hey folks.  Before we begin to forget the specifics, lets figure out who owes who for the Hawaii stuff.  I know I owe for the kayaking, the car, a couple meals maybe, and I’m certain other stuff.  Please let’s get it nailed down so I can mail a couple checks.

7 Responses to “Hawaii $$$”

  1. bryce Says:

    If you can post what everyone owes, I’ll run it through the Javascript version of BOARD.

    Everyone owes me $73 for kayaking and photos.
    I owe Martin $32 for a meal.

  2. Matt Says:

    Snorkel gear- $59
    Warran & Annebell- $309
    Groceries- $98
    Gas- $75

    Approx. $90/ea

    I think that’s it..

  3. chris Says:

    Car: 305
    Gas: 70
    Groceries: 40
    Pizza: 60

    Martin bought gas on the way back from Hana: $24

  4. bryce Says:

    By my math (which I just did quickly in Excel, since I don’t have the JS version of BOARD with me), the debts are as follows (combining Chris & Jua and Bryce & Allison):

    Martin owes Matt $190
    Bryce owes Matt $86
    Chris owes Matt $18

    Let me know if anyone thinks this is off!

  5. martin Says:

    Sounds good. Matt, you have a preferred address for me to send a check to? Or are you planning to be in the area any time soon?

  6. Matt Says:

    I’m always amazed how all that math works out in the end. *shrugs*

    Anyway, I’m not sure if I’ll be down in San Diego soonish.. I’ve actually been in Riverside since Maui, but have been gone somewhere every weekend. :) So mail to here is fine:

    8553 N. Beach St. PMB #123
    Keller, TX 76248

    btw, does anyone else have a problem with seeing the cursor in the this textedit field in the purple theme? The cursor is invisible on my computer.. pain in the arse to edit anything..

  7. bryce Says:

    No, it does it for me too. I’ve just been too lazy to find a new theme. Feel free to pick another!

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